Continuing from the previous post, seven days after the Exeter Toy Fair I spotted one of the traders. He is actually a nearby neighbour, and was friends with my late mother. We briefly discussed and weighed up how the event had gone. Concluding, he mentioned having a box of toy soldiers which were mine, if I wanted them. I popped round, and said yes. He refused any payment so we compromised, I would give a £5 donation in his name to the local Hospice.
The box contained twenty-three W. Britains Eyes Right infantry bandsmen, all wearing yellow coats. This would indicate they were from W. Britains boxes 7488, 7493, 7494, and 7495, representing the Band of the United States Army...... I believe they are linked to Pershing's, but yellow coats?
Here are fifteen standing, all but one are drummers.

Eight more marching.
(And there were also twenty-three Highland bagpipers in the box, haven't a clue how I will use these.)
Many of you will be aware the Britains Eyes Right bands and marching infantry were made in the late 1960s, and they have become somewhat notorious for plastic oxidisation. They really are peculiarly prone to snap at their ankles, or lose their arms. I've even seen one set in which the figures cracked inside their box! Now these appear to be good, but I haven't tried to actually bend them to really judge. A measure of attempted restoration has taken place as some of the heads/helmets are Royal Marines. Surely the original figures did not have Royal heraldry stickers on their drums?
Should I restore them? Should I use them with a free hand to repaint, convert, or draft into other units, etc.? Has anyone else used Eyes Right on the wargames table? I really would like to hear how toy soldier collectors and wargamers feel about this acquisition.
As a footnote. My Hanoverian infantry regiment were formally eyes Right Royal Marines which were badly broken and missing parts. They have now participated in several games.
THESE ARE NOT MINE...... Spotted on Ebay, these confirmed Eyes Right bandsmen have been given a repaint job and varnish. I'm impressed!
Thanks for the input, MJT. I am at a loss what is the best move. I'm hoping others also express their views. I don't want to act too quickly, and then wish I'd done something different with them. I can confirm, I'm not against having a band as part of my 1890s US Army, and I don't really mind if it portrayed something later in date.
By the way, MJT, have just this moment discovered that the yellow coats portray THE United States Army Band of Washington DC, not Pershing's.
Thank you, Graham, I appreciate your opinion. Also, I was going through my files of inspirational photos a few days ago, blow me if I did not find ten that are listed as yours, which I recorded about eight years ago. I noted your lovely terrain, and some excellent traditional lead military units! Do please keep me posted of any 54mm wargaming activities!
Yes Graham, looking at those photos, I'm tempted to think we are on similar ground, perhaps yours is even higher, lol. If you do decide to set up a blog, I shall be very pleased to promote it, and certain to visit for my inspiration. It's up to you, but I know it will encourage others to appreciate quality restorations, and the magic of 54mm toy soldier wargaming. NB. There are not that many of us, lol.
Thanks Donnie. My problem is I already have seven Empire battalions of Highlanders, and even a detachment of ACW Highlanders, and all have a bagpiper. One actually has six. I have promised myself, that is it! I might decide to give these extras away, or perhaps swap them for something useful. Yes, I too like the yellow coats. Only problem, I don't see myself mixing the standing figures with the marching. And I want any units to have headdress uniformity (except the bandmaster, he can have a bearskin.). Combine this with the Eyes Right 'issue', I'm still to devise a plan of action.
Cheers Brad. I still haven't made a definite decision what to do. I'm drifting towards keeping the marching yellow coats as a US band (to be expanded). Perhaps breaking up the yellow coat drummers, and getting rid of the Pipers. But it might be best if I delay any decision until I feel more confident. I do have plenty of projects to concentrate on.