SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which allowed me to complete another five or six military units, serving in several collections.

Friday 11 June 2021

Battle for New Orleans PART TWO (Dominion Campaign)

Predictably, the siege guns opened up first, seeking to silence each other. and they both took casualties, despite the American gun having the hard cover advantage. As soon as the French armoured car came into range the American light guns opened fire, three hits but no casualties, the vehicle returned fire and took down a gunner. (NOTES, its wise to sometimes direct your fire so that if you over shoot it still inflicts a casualty. Hard cover casualties have a 50% saving throw. The armoured car has a crew of three.)

Move four and five saw small arms fire, the artillery having some problems with viable targets. The French inflicted slightly higher casualties but the American gatling gun penetrated the armoured car, taking out the third crewman. 

Move six involved three battalions charging, followed by melees. The first to break was American but the French success was short lived as their battalion was now charged in the flank and also broke. However, move seven was dominated by morale, it was a disaster for the Americans. Two D1 dice throws caused an additional two neighbouring units to break and run. Generals now moved at double time to try and rally their most salvageable units. Unfortunately for the Americans, a regiment of Spanish colonial cavalry was in the perfect position to disrupt American plans.

Will conclude this post here, as I prepare for dinner. Part three on Saturday.



  1. I do love seeing your armoured car in action Michael, it is a wonderful sight to behold! Great action and the variety of figures and uniforms on the tabletop are excellent! Very well done!

    1. Thank you Brad, have really enjoyed the game so far. The armoured cars are always the first to be knocked out, they look too much of a threat!

  2. The games afoot ! , love the A/Car .

    1. Tony, the game is playing well, with a few exiting flukes, I do think toy armoured cars add to the 54mm experience. I leave my 'realism' with my 28mm for the most part. But researching the uniforms is something I can't forget.

  3. Great looking game, excellent fun.

    1. Thank you Alan, I'm excited to see what happens next on the field, and we have the main force approaching the city. Still too early to judge the outcome.

  4. Uhoh, there'll be volunteers rushing to arms across the country!

    Looks like good fun.

    1. Hi Ross, have just posted PART THREE, the resolve of the three armies did them proud. I haven't seen such resolution using my house rules, normally the routing equal the casualties, at least.
