SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.

Saturday 30 September 2023

The Main Assault on Toronto (Wargame)

This is the third and final part of the American assault on Toronto. This will cover the attack from the eastern side, involving seven military units. The garrison having deployed five to defend this suburb, one of which is a militia battalion. 

With the northern attack having turned out to be a ruse, to stretch out the defender's resources, the eastern assault was to be quite different. It was to include a battery of siege guns, and another of medium howitzers. While the infantry were all large battalions, one of which was to operate as a skirmishing screen for a rapid advance. The garrison knew this would be difficult to stop.


Move one. Canadian spotters identified the arrival of American artillery, the redoubt battery opened fire, and inflicted a casualty on a American siege gun crew. MOVE TWO. The American infantry advanced resolutely. Guns fired. Casualties on both sides, but the main redoubt guns chose to fire on the infantry! MOVE THREE. More artillery fire, those howitzers are dangerous. MOVE FOUR. More artillery fire. MOVE FIVE. Howitzer scores two D6, knocking out one of the redoubt guns. MOVE SIX. Nooooo... a howitzer throws another two D6! The Redoubt has been silenced, but the gunners stand firm. 

MOVE SEVEN. The Toronto gunboat  makes an appearance (it was meant to be in move/Dice five, but I forgot!), opening fire with its medium gun, it scores a hit on the American infantry. The American siege guns hit a building and take down a militiaman. The building also catches alight. The militia morale holds and they decide to advance out of the burning building to exchange fire with the American skirmishers. Despite suffering higher casualties in the rifle fire they knock the American skirmishers to half strength, and their morale breaks. A nearby American battalion holds, but declines to advance forward. The Siege guns attempt to hit the Empire gunboat. 

MOVE EIGHT. Where have those Canadian militia trained, a superb effort! Two D6 take down two American infantry. One battalion charges the redoubt, hostile fire stops them in their tracks, but they don't break. 

MOVE NINE. The militia finally break when receiving fire from a fresh American battalion. MOVE TEN. The Mortar scores a hit on the Howitzer battery, and their crew scatter. A second charge on the redoubt by a fresh battalion storms the works, in the following melee the attackers win, the redoubt defenders surrender, and the redoubt artillery crew also rout. HOWEVER, bagpipes begin to play to the rear of the redoubt. MOVE ELEVEN. Two Empire battalions, formally serving on the Western suburbs make their appearance. MOVE TWELVE. The redoubt is occupied, but the two buildings to the rear are both on fire, and cannot be entered, while Empire reinforcements secured another building, and inflict two casualties on an approaching American battalion. 

MOVE THIRTEEN. The Americans realise they must drive the enemy battalion out of the new position. A charge is launched but it fails, a devastating volley takes down three of their men and at half strength they rout. But it doesn't spread. With the Americans reduced to only one battalion able to advance, and holding an undefendable redoubt (it is open in the rear!), the Americans withdraw. Both sides cease firing their artillery to allow medical orderlies to operate.

 American losses totalled thirty-five. The Garrison lost twenty-seven, with five more captured. Both sides lost four military units in this battle.  Notable how few American units routed, despite being 50% casualties. 
The second siege of Toronto has been lifted, but a quarter of the buildings have been damaged and the Empire garrison needs assistance, The American army near the city is no longer in a fit state to take the offensive. A rumour is circulating that the occupation of Ottawa is no longer thought to have any strategic value. The arrival of Empire troops and a naval flotilla to Kingston has threatened American control of Lake Ontario. The heavy bombardment of a Canadian city, for no result, has caused political turmoil in both the American Congress and British Parliament. 

Friday 29 September 2023

SOVIET and JAPANESE Bren Gun Carriers

Have completed some seated figures for two more Lone Star Bren Gun Carriers. The first is for my Soviet Army. Fair numbers having been supplied to the Soviets by both the British and Americans.

The odd figures were converted to wear Soviet uniforms, and given some home-cast heads.

The second represents a vehicle captured by the Japanese after the fall of Singapore. Some of these were later reissued to Indian battalions recruited on the side of the Japanese Empire. 

The Indian National Army is now celebrated in Indian culture for their opposition to the British Empire. Of the 40,000 captured Indians soldiers at Singapore, 10,000 refused to join the Japanese and suffered greatly. But 30,000 prisoners did cross over, probably for mixed reasons. It is believed about 350,000 Indians supported the Japanese war effort, although most of these were civilians residing in Malaya and unsuitable for actual military service. In Burma, there were military engagements between the INA and Indian Empire (Raj) troops.  MGB

Monday 25 September 2023


During my childhood  (late 1960s, through the 1970s) I was often more interested in kids television programmes for their miniature portrayals of buildings and landscapes, rather than the programme's storyline. There were some exceptions that always held my attention, such as Trumpton, Chigley, Camberwick Green, Captain Scarlet, Thunderbirds, Michael Bentine's Potty Time, to name a few, and these must have had an influence on my hobbies.

In keeping with my love of nostalgia, I have just completed another scenic backdrop for my gaming table. Now this idea came from a programme which failed to capture my attention, but it does now have a fun link to my gaming table.  I will be interested to see if any UK visitors can recognise which television programme it derives from. 


Children's television programme intro for 
RAINBOW (1972-92)

The hills rise prior to the painting of the town.

Saturday 23 September 2023

The Northern Assault on Toronto (Dominion Wargame)

This is the second game of three comprising the American attempt to capture Toronto, part of a fictitious war between the United States and the British Empire in about 1885. 

This second game involves the five military units designated to attack the Northern suburbs of the city. I also allowed a dice to decide which of the three games would receive off-table support from a particularly large howitzer, and the Northern assault won the prize.

The Empire garrison is severely outnumbered in this series of games, and only three military units could be spared to defend the northern approaches, and one of these is a militia unit.


MOVE ONE. A Canadian lookout spotted the approaching American troops, the artillery were instructed to fire at any enemy guns, they missed but did hit a member of the adjacent Signal Corps.

MOVE TWO. The American howitzer scored a hit on a civilian house, no casualties (see explosion below).

The American and Royal Artillery batteries fired at each other, the former over shot with two D2s hitting a clear road, the latter threw two perfect D6s, now entitled to a second dice throw, each gun confirmed a hit on the crew (had they thrown another D6 a gun would have been disabled). MOVE THREE. The American howitzer hit another empty building to the rear, no casualties. But still no movement forward from any American infantry!? The American battery did hit one of the redoubt gunners, but it wasn't fatal. But their return fire comprised a D6 and D5, and two more American gunners went down! At half strength they were obliged to test their morale, and they routed! MOVE FOUR. The joy in the redoubt came to a stop when the American howitzer scored a hit, two gunners lost (no saving throws allowed! And their own shells failed to score. MOVE FIVE. The howitzer hit a road to the rear, a nurse went down (No, I don't make this up!).

MOVE SIX and SEVEN. Occasional casualties on both sides, two Empire soldiers are hit by a howitzer shell in a building, could not be saved. MOVE EIGHT. A D6 followed by a D6 blows up the American gatling gun, a neighbouring infantry unit stands firm. MOVE NINE. The Redoubt guns score two hits on a light infantry unit. MOVE TEN. A howitzer hit on a building, one casualty on the militia, obliged to vacate as the building has caught alight. Obliged to test their morale, they obey orders! MOVE ELEVEN. An American unit routs, they had suffered 50% casualties from constant artillery fire and could take it no more! MOVE TWELVE. The entire American army withdraws and the off-table howitzer stops firing. This entire action was a ruse for stretching out the garrison's manpower! 


One building on fire, another five badly damaged. Garrison losses were five soldiers and one nurse. American losses totalled thirteen, with one unit neutralised.

The next and final game will cover the assault on the Eastern Suburbs.

Wednesday 20 September 2023


The Empire troops in Toronto knew that the loss of nearby Oshawa would be followed by the Americans launching an even greater force against them. The garrison had done all that they could to fortify the city, now they just had to wait.

The American army was large, twenty-five military units had been ordered to participate in this coming battle, which would involve a coordinated attack on four sides. Their forces were divided into the Detroit Division, Siege Howitzer Park, Light Division, Grand Division, and the Lake Ontario flotilla.

The Empire Garrison comprised thirteen military units divided into the Western Division, Shore Battery & Gunboat, Northern Division, Mileham's Howitzer, and Eastern Division. They were outnumbered almost two to one, and three of the battalions were embodied militia. However, they were able to match the Americans in siege guns.

                                              Mileham's Howitzer

The American Siege Howitzer


As dawn began to light up the sky, Empire observers noted that the American flotilla was no longer in view. Quite where it was, no one knew, but it was assumed it would return. At 7am a tremendous explosion occurred in the north of the city, no casualties or fire but an empty civilian house was largely levelled. This must have involved a very powerful howitzer! Empire observers now reported large movements of enemy troops on three sides of the city. 


The Empire and United States lookouts attempted to judge each others positions as the Sun rose.

The Americans noted that the approaches to the city were totally devoid of cover, and not by nature's hand. MOVE ONE. The Garrison guns opened up inflicting a casualty MOVE TWO. Both sides attempted to knock out their opponents artillery. WOW! A D6 is a hit on an American siege gun, granting another dice throw, it's another D6, the gun is knocked out! Mileham's howitzer also fired a shell but fell well short (testing its range?). MOVE THREE. The command is given for the Americans to advance. No artillery hits. MOVE FOUR The American battery retaliated with a D5 from each of its guns. Saving throws for the redoubt failed, two gunners went down. But Mileham's howitzer now declared its revenge, D6, a hit on an American gun, followed by a D4. (This would normally take out one figure.... but this 'super siege' weapon can claim two casualties.) MOVE FIVE. Casualties on the American battery crews were so high their mounted officer decided to help man one. The survivors from the destroyed gun would have been very useful, but they disappeared (D1) after their gun exploded. MOVE SIX. With two more gunners going down, and now at half strength, the survivors routed. This obliged a test on the neighbouring unit, D6, they held, which is just as well, it was the American command headquarters! 
MOVE SEVEN. Although the Empire guns had successfully silenced their opposition, it allowed large numbers of infantry to cross the open ground with few casualties, and there were a lot of them! Mileham's howitzer did its job, hitting some light cavalry. Forced to test their morale, they held (D6) but at half strength could not advance further. MOVE EIGHT witnessed some small arms fire and casualties, mainly on the Americans. They had no cover! 
MOVE NINE. The American assault suffered heavily but continued to advance. As the redoubt gun crews were approaching half strength, their officer ordered them to remove the gun chambers and retire, making space for the infantry. A bloody melee now took place on the redoubt, with neither side breaking. Another American regiment engaged in small arms fire with a battalion of militia in a house, would the militia stand?
MOVE TEN. IT'S ALL OVER!!!! The second round of melee on the redoubt broke the attackers, and at half strength they failed their morale. The panic then spread along the entire line, when you throw D2, D1, D1, D1 for each battalion....... it is surely fate? 
Although the Americans suffered very heavy casualties, only three military units were neutralised. Had the Empire possessed cavalry to pursue the defeated another three units plus artillery pieces would have been easily neutralised. Still, the Western Division might be able to support the Northern Division, which is suffering casualties from the American (Super) siege howitzer. By the way, the finale shot came from Mileham's howitzer on those seeking to vacate the field, it was a perfect D6 (two casualties).
A box of ACW figures kindly donated by Paul Watson!

Monday 18 September 2023

The Battle of Saint Jean sur Richelieu (3rd Dominion Wargame)

In response to this latest US campaign to capture Ontario the Empire withdrew and reduced military units along the east coast so as to muster a fair sized army in Montreal, supported by a naval flotilla. Having left a brigade to protect that city, the main army started on their march towards American-controlled Ottawa. While two brigades were sent to engage a smaller force occupying the town of Saint Jean sur Richelieu.

The American commander in Saint Jean was aware of their approach (D4), and decided to make a stand (D5). His force comprised two infantry battalions, a corps of light infantry, and a battery of howitzers. The Empire force comprised four light infantry battalions, and two light cavalry regiments.

                                               The Empire troops approached in skirmish order

MOVE ONE and TWO. The Empire troops approached Saint Jean. MOVE THREE. The Garrison artillery spotted the light infantry on their far left and opened fire, inflicting a casualty. MOVE FOUR. Empire troops advanced, one battalion used a hedge for cover but (D6) the Americans spotted their approach. Those howitzers scored another hit on the visible enemy. MOVE FIVE. The Empire cavalry on the left recognised the possibilities of hitting the enemy flank. The American commander had also spotted this, and ordered his light infantry to reinforce his rightwing. The howitzers opened up on some woods, rightly, believing it now held their previous target, but no casualties (saving throws in operation for hard cover).
The Garrison had taken up their positions
View from the American left, under howitzer fire
The Garrison
View from the Empire's left

MOVE SIX. The Empire troops approached the town, and were now in rifle range. While the howitzers were obliged to cease their firing. MOVE SEVEN. Intense rifle fire from both sides, but the combination of skirmishers versus saving throws for those in buildings limited the casualties. MOVE SEVEN. The dice now favoured the Empire, D5s and D6s flowed and saving throws faltered for the garrison. Worse still, the artillery crews were de facto wiped out, obliged to test their morale, the last gunner standing surrendered. This obliged a morale test on a neighbouring unit, a half strength battalion, and it too surrendered. In turn, it obligated a morale test on a neighbouring unit. Although still in good shape, a D1 saw the American light infantry rout! With only one infantry battalion still active, and facing enemies on two sides, they took a compulsory morale test (D1) and surrendered. GAME OVER!

This was a splendid game to play, very enjoyable. The Prisoners were allowed to return to American territory on parole. I think the Empire commander was aware just how lucky he had been that four enemy units would all break at the same time.

See arrow for battle location. The concentration of American troops besieging Toronto has left Upper New York largely devoid of troops