This is the third and final part of the American assault on Toronto. This will cover the attack from the eastern side, involving seven military units. The garrison having deployed five to defend this suburb, one of which is a militia battalion.
With the northern attack having turned out to be a ruse, to stretch out the defender's resources, the eastern assault was to be quite different. It was to include a battery of siege guns, and another of medium howitzers. While the infantry were all large battalions, one of which was to operate as a skirmishing screen for a rapid advance. The garrison knew this would be difficult to stop.
Move one. Canadian spotters identified the arrival of American artillery, the redoubt battery opened fire, and inflicted a casualty on a American siege gun crew. MOVE TWO. The American infantry advanced resolutely. Guns fired. Casualties on both sides, but the main redoubt guns chose to fire on the infantry! MOVE THREE. More artillery fire, those howitzers are dangerous. MOVE FOUR. More artillery fire. MOVE FIVE. Howitzer scores two D6, knocking out one of the redoubt guns. MOVE SIX. Nooooo... a howitzer throws another two D6! The Redoubt has been silenced, but the gunners stand firm.
MOVE SEVEN. The Toronto gunboat makes an appearance (it was meant to be in move/Dice five, but I forgot!), opening fire with its medium gun, it scores a hit on the American infantry. The American siege guns hit a building and take down a militiaman. The building also catches alight. The militia morale holds and they decide to advance out of the burning building to exchange fire with the American skirmishers. Despite suffering higher casualties in the rifle fire they knock the American skirmishers to half strength, and their morale breaks. A nearby American battalion holds, but declines to advance forward. The Siege guns attempt to hit the Empire gunboat.
MOVE EIGHT. Where have those Canadian militia trained, a superb effort! Two D6 take down two American infantry. One battalion charges the redoubt, hostile fire stops them in their tracks, but they don't break.
MOVE NINE. The militia finally break when receiving fire from a fresh American battalion. MOVE TEN. The Mortar scores a hit on the Howitzer battery, and their crew scatter. A second charge on the redoubt by a fresh battalion storms the works, in the following melee the attackers win, the redoubt defenders surrender, and the redoubt artillery crew also rout. HOWEVER, bagpipes begin to play to the rear of the redoubt. MOVE ELEVEN. Two Empire battalions, formally serving on the Western suburbs make their appearance. MOVE TWELVE. The redoubt is occupied, but the two buildings to the rear are both on fire, and cannot be entered, while Empire reinforcements secured another building, and inflict two casualties on an approaching American battalion.
MOVE THIRTEEN. The Americans realise they must drive the enemy battalion out of the new position. A charge is launched but it fails, a devastating volley takes down three of their men and at half strength they rout. But it doesn't spread. With the Americans reduced to only one battalion able to advance, and holding an undefendable redoubt (it is open in the rear!), the Americans withdraw. Both sides cease firing their artillery to allow medical orderlies to operate.
American losses totalled thirty-five. The Garrison lost twenty-seven, with five more captured. Both sides lost four military units in this battle. Notable how few American units routed, despite being 50% casualties.