SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.
Additional Thanks. To Tim of the MegablitzandMore blog for supplying some interesting figures towards my WW2 Soviet Army, and to Mark of ManOfTin Blog for a horde of Airfix WW2 figures.

Friday, 22 November 2024

CHARITY SHOP PROJECT, come fly with me.

Just popped into a local charity shop (Nov18) and spotted this toy rescue helicopter. Not sure if it is all there, but I do see some real potential. 

The side openings will only add to this model. I won't link it to any particular nation, I can then attach it to my post-WW2 British, French, Ugandan, and Israeli collections. Have placed some 1980s Airfix British Army figures nearby to show the scale. Am I alone in seeing something of a 'Gazelle' look to this toy (I'm not, Chris said the same, it's the tail rotor).

The charity shop only wanted 50p, I gave a £1 coin. Now that is useful, the cockpit window lifts up, so I can add a generic pilot and some cockpit controls. Will start this project off with a grey spray undercoat.

 Further research shows that it is made by a company called PLAY LIVE, possibly a Polish company, but previously sold in the UK by the supermarket chain LIDL. New examples seem to sell for just over £10, when you can find them.
Couldn't resist a quick undercoat spray, even though it is spitting rain outside! I'm always in a rush, lol. Just with this somber grey it has already acquired a military look. This toy really does fit nicely with 54mm and looks superior to Lego and Playmobile alternatives. Can't help thinking, three of these would look even better! (Why am I humming the Ride of the Valkyries?)
(Nov19) I carried out some internet research on the Gazelle. It has been in common service during the period 1970 to the present day, and by quite a few nationalities. They have been engaged in a fair number of conflicts during this period, in various capacities. Wikipedia has a convenient page on this helicopter. Conveniently, the British Army Air Corps often utilised a grey and dark green camouflage, well that will speed up the painting. And here it is with some green added.
Not perfect, but close enough for toy soldier wargaming.
I'm using one of my heavy tinplate aircraft stands. But this plastic model can utilise a lighter version......why not paint it as a fast-rope, perhaps even add a figure or two using the rope to slide down?
(NOV 21, 9am)The Helicopter has now been painted, and given a coat of varnish. As regular visitors know, my 54mm collection is a 'toy' hobby, and a gloss finish just seems more appropriate (My large collection of 28mm historical miniatures has a matt finish). 
The helicopter also has been supplied with its own flying stand, which hooks onto the winch, serving as a fast rope. Next job, to construct and fix some generic crew figures.
At 10am realised I needed a loaf of bread, as Chris takes pack lunches. Decided to go for a walk..... in fairly heavy snow. While out, popped into the collectables shop to see if I could find some figures suitable for conversion into a helicopter crew. Rummaging through the shopkeepers 'odd toy soldiers' box. He gets a call to pick up the kids, their school is having to close due to a heating failure. The honourable trader  says, take the box, bring it back when you can!
Decided to work my way through the box, bagging and classifying the contents. Ended up with nine figures, none quite suitable for this project, but still some useful extras.... (Another three figures for my RAF Regiment).
Fortunately, in my own spares box was a well oxidised Lone Star paratrooper, part converted for service in a Bren gun carrier, it will make a suitable helicopter pilot. And (Nov22) here it is. 
Winter service!
Very much enjoyed working on this project. I can see a load of scenarios for the gaming table.

Hello Brad. I was visiting charity shops for vintage Christmas decorations, then I spotted the helicopter. I really did enjoy working on this, and with the new stand it enhances the look and atmosphere of the gaming table. Rather appropriately for Frankenstein's monster, I shall replace the head, my idea is he should become some kind of surgeon. Brad, I am enjoying the snow, aware it 'might' be the only white stuff this year. In the West Country, our climate is mild but damp, more so than most of the British Isles.

Hello Roger, I was very lucky to find the helicopter works with 54mm. Yes, I too was thinking a machine gunner is needed, and it will enhance the model. But it must be a loose figure, to better represent the uniforms and ethnicity of several armies, for example Ugandan. Still some figure conversion work to be done!

Thanks Donnie. I know it was hardly a gamble at only £1 for the helicopter, but it turned out to be perfect in scale for 1/32 figures. Have placed it on the gaming table, and the height gives added depth to the terrain. Will return the toy soldier box to the shop tomorrow, and settle-up on the nine I have chosen. 


  1. Excellent find Michael with a perfect repaint and base! This piece will really come in handy for many different scenarios! You found some great figures too. I'm especially intrigued by what your plans may be for the Frankenstein looking fellow? We just had our first 3" inches of snow here in the Adirondacks, surprised to see that you had the white stuff too!

  2. What a find! Both the miniatures and the helicopter!! Reasonable priced too. If you add a kneeling machine-gunner to the door, you don't only provide your troops with transport, but with fire-support as well.
    It looks good in camouflage. Your terrain looks really good too.

  3. Great find and nice simple paint work really changes the whole model, looks very nice indeed. Nice charity shop figures find too.
