SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.
Additional Thanks. To Tim of the MegablitzandMore blog for supplying some interesting figures towards my WW2 Soviet Army, and to Mark of ManOfTin Blog for a horde of Airfix WW2 figures.

Monday, 8 March 2021

Ottomans & Arabs (Medieval)

During the weekend I have been mainly painting Arab and Turk toy soldiers (Fast Show sketch). Alan Gruber having kindly sent me a fair number of Timpo Arab figures, I was keen to get to grips with this project. Here they are painted and varnished, just waiting for some suitable spears, a few banners, and some stiff card to complete their basing.

These figures, joined with four supplied by George Mills, will furnish three groups of eight irregular/light foot, and an artillery crew of four. Note the absence of yellow coats, this colour was not popular with Arab warriors, although Turks had no such prejudice.

Thanks Alan! (Some 28mm items on their way.)

Also included is a batch of Britains DEETAIL Turks I picked up in several Ebay auctions. This is the first of five similar groups, could have varied their colours but I want them to serve as a 'retinue"and uniformity gives that impression. Most of the figures have been issued home-cast pewter weaponry and some broken helmets have also received new ornaments.



  1. Splendid work , you have done the figures proud!

    1. Thanks Alan, not much more to do now and I will be able to field a Saracen-Ottoman army to take on my Medievals.

  2. Excellent job Michael! The Deetail Turks really pop after your paint job and the artillery crew is awesome!

    1. Thank you Brad. I originally planned to leave the Deetail figures as they were. Then I saw several posts/ebay auctions that showed these figures painted..... they were brilliant. I was well impressed. Mine are not on their level but painting them does show off the casting detail.

  3. Very eye catching! Great addition to the table.

    1. I do think so George, and you don't need large numbers to create a scenario.

  4. They look great! How do the Timpo compare to the Deetail in size? (I have several of the latter and was considering acquiring some of the former).

    1. Hi John, I have just put several figures side by side. In my opinion, the DEETAIL are very, very slightly shorter than the Timpo. However, the DEETAIL are on higher metal bases. The result is they look pretty much the same. Would I integrate in a single unit? Yes, but the style of the bases would catch my eye. In scale and design, both ranges are very close. Please note, this might not apply to 'other' periods. Hope this helps, might try and post a photo to help.

    2. Thank you, Michael. That definitely helps!
