SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.
Additional Thanks. To Tim of the MegablitzandMore blog for supplying some interesting figures towards my WW2 Soviet Army, and to Mark of ManOfTin Blog for a horde of Airfix WW2 figures.

Friday, 23 April 2021

Raid on Owen Sound (Dominion skirmish game)

Having just completed the Pepperrell Light Infantry (aka Prescott's Light Guards), a Massachusetts militia unit, I decided it was time to clear the table and have a skirmish game.

SCENARIO (All determined by Dice)

With Toronto under siege, American Command ordered a small force to take and secure the nearby settlement of Owen Sound. The Americans were allowed two dice x 3. The settlement was allowed one dice x 3. (Three is important in my house rules as it is a potential firing unit.)

The American force comprised the commander, a troop of light cavalry (4), a national guard company (4), and a band of volunteers (aka plunderers, 4). They arrived on the outskirts of the settlement at about 10pm, they then rested with the intension of a surprise dawn attack.

The settlement had fortified a building to serve as an armoury. They numbered a company of volunteer-militia (4), others manning a gatling gun (2), some armed residents in local houses (6), all commanded by the town mayor/captain. Only the gatling gun was kept operational at all times.


With the rising of the sun the Americans silently approached the settlement at double time. They successfully reached the stockade (three moves) before being spotted. The gatling opened up and took down a raider, but in the exchange both crew members were casualties. At this point the barracks were to arms, and some civilians were taking shots at the cavalry troop which had secured a key junction in the town. 

In the stockade both sides had the advantage of hard cover but it was the Americans that inflicted a casualty. With half their number down, the Canadians took a morale check, they held. In the following exchanges another Canadian was hit, and no longer able to return fire the garrison surrendered. The firing from nearby houses had inflicted no casualties and when word reached them that the garrison had surrendered, the armed civilians did likewise.

At this point we must record that the 'band of volunteers' now proceeded to plunder the town, with the American commander unable to stop them. The commander decided to parole the garrison and ordered his national guard to vacate the town, which also put a stop to the plundering by the 'band of volunteers'. 

CASUALTIES, one US National Guardsman, four Canadian Volunteer-Militia. Game lasted about 15 minutes, and a bit of fun. 



  1. Looting eh ! , that's the problem with irregulars .

    1. Indeed Tony, a D2 said they plundered. It could have been worse, a D1 was plunder and burn. But I enjoyed the story, if only the gatling gun crew/senties had been more alert it might have given time for the defenders to form up.

  2. A wonderful game Michael, and just a few hours from my home in New York! Your table is beautiful! You really captured the look of Prescott's Light Guards, their headgear must have been difficult to duplicate! I'm so glad that you got to have a game! I love your mix of figures, I always enjoy seeing Deetail figures in action! Well done!

    1. Cheers Brad, I must confess, Paul sent me a bag of lead heads, including some lancers. I only had to make one more by conversion to complete this unit. Isn't it distinctive! I did wonder if it was a cavalry unit but every bit of documentation I could find stated they were light infantry, so here they are. I love the fact that so many New England national guard units adopted red uniforms in recognition of their pre-independence service record. Expect a run of wargames lol.

  3. Excellent looking game and story, keep up the good work.

    1. Cheers Alan, it was a fun game, and the dice played out a story with no input from myself.
