SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.
Additional Thanks. To Tim of the MegablitzandMore blog for supplying some interesting figures towards my WW2 Soviet Army, and to Mark of ManOfTin Blog for a horde of Airfix WW2 figures.

Saturday, 10 July 2021

Admirals, Generals, Surgeons, Highlanders, U.S. National Guard

My 54mm collections are looking fairly complete but I can still use interesting extras, personality figures, and those formations vital to keeping armies in the field.

Rather pleased with these, the first is a Charbens plastic figure of a Royal Navy admiral. Some have suggested it is based on John Jellicoe, commanding the fleet at Jutland. The second is also plastic, of the French politician Charles Clemenceau, prominent in WW1. It is produced by Mokarex. This figure had a rather short walking stick but it was easy to replace with a longer steel rod. Total cost for the two figures was £4.54 delivered.

The next two figures were kindly gifted by Paul Watson. Both are lead figures. The first is a surgeon, the second was a Guards officer but a change of headdress has furnished a more useful officer for my collection.

In my spares box were several damaged lead highlanders which appeared to be slightly larger in scale, and armed with what looked like muskets. Decided to form a small firing unit. OK, the white tropical jackets aren't strictly correct in their cut but they do add something interesting to the collection.

These figures are some of my own home-casts. Have painted them up as the 7th New York (State Militia) National Guard Regiment.



  1. Those Mokarex figures are jolly useful and I like the Highlanders in white for a change .

    1. Hi Tony, the seller of the Admiral also had the Mokarex political figure, so I saved on the postage. Its something towards forming a French Army command.

  2. Your personality figures are first rate Michael, the admiral especially exudes leadership from every pore! The white highlanders are a nice change and of course I love my home state's militia, they're all wonderful!

    1. Cheers Brad, most of the remaining projects involve small numbers, which makes them more fun. Despite spending much of the week sanding and painting skirting boards, or gardening, I've also been quite successful clearing hobby projects. Yes, that naval figure is perfect for my Royal Navy contingent. I guess its time to float a ship or two lol.
