SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.

Wednesday 28 September 2022


Having just purchased a band of plastic figures, it gave me the incentive to not only paint the new additions, but also some of the figures in my spares box.

The plastic additions came from a trader that supplies odd/single figures. Its not a cheap way to purchase, but he only charges a single postage, regardless of how many you purchase from him. I have been waiting a long time to acquire the mounted saracen, I even had the correct horse and saddle-cloth in my spares box. The other figures helped moderate the postage charge. There was one loss, the bareheaded figure just did not look right, too large, I got rid of it. 

As mentioned, some items in my spares box were also completed. A second cavalryman belonging to the Cleveland Troop from Ohio, c.1890. While my British WW1 collection now has a command base, these are old lead figures restored. I also had a lead German jaeger head, decided to fix it to an Airfix German infantryman, to serve as a policeman.
Finally, a bit of reconstitution work. My British Victorian army is large. It included a battalion of twelve plastic Foot Guards, totally surplus to my needs. Decided to paint strip half of them, and make something more useful. Here we have four of them converted into Ruritanian Medical orderlies/injured, suspect they may find service with my Dutch WW2 collection, and other armies.

Sunday 18 September 2022


Have recently noticed several problems with my Google blogs, including links, etc. Rather than keeping these bad connections, have just deleted them. I'm not the only one having these hassles. Rather than trying to pursue the answer, I'm going to use the occasion to concentrate even more on my researches. I had to give up this avocation when I took over the family business. Have really embraced, and enjoyed, returning to my studies, and during the last few weeks have seen real progress towards consolidating those shoe boxes full of notes, compiled over many years. Gaps and questions are also being answered. 

As I don't trust computers, everything will still be recorded on paper, with a pen, lol. 

May still post occasionally, 


Saturday 17 September 2022

Wargame, and the cavalry charged home

Have been wanting to try this simple scenario for some time. Having a break from my paperwork, I decided to give it a go. Firstly, dice were thrown to see which side would comprise two brigades of cavalry, and which would comprise a brigade of infantry, supported by a light artillery battery. On open ground the two sides clashed. 

MOVE ONE The Spanish infantry deployed into line, the American cavalry advanced, some regiments deploying into line. MOVE TWO The Spanish made space for their two field guns. All American cavalry deployed into line. MOVE THREE The Spanish guns opened up, one shot passed through the American scouts, the other took down a rider. MOVE FOUR A repeat of the previous move. At half strength, the scouts held but declined to advance further. But their screening had served its purpose. MOVE FIVE The scouts were granted leave to depart the field. The five American regiments of horse continued to advance.

MOVE SIX The Spanish infantry battalions opened fire, as did the artillery, one regiment of horse was destroyed. MOVE SEVEN one battalion delivered a superb volley, taking down an entire charging regiment of horse. However, another regiment was able to charge home, In the melee, it took down three Spanish infantry, although it also lost its final trooper.
MOVE EIGHT The two remaining cavalry regiments charged. One battalion broke, and scattered. The other held fast and broke the cavalry charge.
MOVE NINE The New York Hussars had inflicted three casualties on the routing Spanish infantry. In this move they turned on the neighbouring artillery crews. By MOVE TEN they had inflicted five casualties.
The Spanish commander was so concerned, he ordered his infantry to fire on the melee, knowing it would hit some of his own artillerymen. But it worked, the last cavalry regiment was obliged to test its morale due to losses, and routed.
(I can't be the only one to see something of the 'Charge of the Light Brigade' in this game? For campaign purposes, this occurred on the Florida-Georgia border. MGB)


1 General, routing

4 mounted scouts, -2

4 NG Cavalry -2 and 2 routing

4 US Cavalry -3 and 1 routing

4 US Cavalry -4

4 NY Hussars -3 and one routing

4 NG Hussars -4

The store waggon was saved.


1 General

6 Artillerymen -5 (how did they keep passing their morale test?, luck of the dice.)

12 Spanish marines (no losses!)

12 Spanish infantry -6 and 6 routing

Sunday 4 September 2022

Some more completed figures (WW1, WW2, and others)

Working my way through my spares box, have been able to complete some interesting, and some useful additions. First up are British infantry for World War One.

Two old lead airforce castings, supplied by Paul Watson, have regained their arms, now painted and ready.
A spare Airfix German mountain infantry figure has been given metal arms and a helmet, and now serves as a spotter.

My Soviet WW2 Gunboat has acquired a naval figure to man a heavy machine gun. It was originally an Airfix British infantryman for a Vickers Machine Gun. The HMG is constructed from wood and plastic.

An understrength battalion of Spanish Cazadores (light infantry) have been reinforced with a heavy machine gun.

Finally, from my spares box, have mustered an American National Guard officer in a Alabama uniform.