SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.

Tuesday 22 November 2022

A Minor Skirmish in Alaska (Fictional Wargame)

The settlement at Port Alexander had declined to accept Empire terms for neutrality. A Royal Navy gunboat was duly sent to remedy this. The local population in about 1900 was 2000+ (its now less than 85!). For the game, I allowed the settlement sixteen defenders, split into three sections.

While the outcome was not in doubt, it was still fun to play. MOVE ONE gunboat misses the Station house, MOVE TWO a hit but no casualties. MOVE THREE a miss, MOVE FOUR a hit but no casualties, MOVE FIVE Hit on the buildings side. MOVE SIX hit with a casualty, the armed locals rout. MOVE SEVEN another hit on the now empty building, and it catches alight! MOVE EIGHT a miss on the barn. MOVE NINE a hit on the barn, but no casualties. MOVE TEN a miss. MOVE ELEVEN a miss. MOVE 12 a miss. MOVE THIRTEEN a hit on the barn, no casualties. RN Rowboat sets off with eight armed seamen. MOVE FOURTEEN Landing party arrives, gunboat now opens up on an unoccupied house. MOVE FIFTEEN landing party comes under fire from locals. MOVE SIXTEEN some casualties, on both sides. The locals surrender (D1).

LOSSES, two on each side. The station house is on fire. The local population now agrees to remain neutral for the remainder of the war. This leaves only Skegway, in the lower part of Alaska, which has not accepted terms, due to local disagreements. 


Wednesday 16 November 2022


Have made some real progress towards forming a French force for scenarios involving amphibious landings. A dealer kindly accepted my offer for a batch of Starlux figures. He originally wanted £18 but accepted £13 delivered. It comprised seven naval figures, one French Paratrooper, and two medieval. Of this number, five did require some careful repair work.

Serving with others previously converted, here is my French Naval Landing Party. OK, two figures are Starlux bandsmen, but they were in good condition and decided not to alter them. 

Six Starlux additions, a broken ensign now trails a rifle.
Three new metal recruits from a recent Toy fair.
My original eight, mainly metal converts.
Now serving on a gunboat, a Starlux officer.
Have also converted a plastic guardsman into a gunboat captain.
Blue naval uniform WW1.

Wednesday 9 November 2022

The French Attack on Norfolk, Virginia (Wargame)

After the earlier tactical draw, the American army withdrew to their second defensive line, protecting the landward route to the naval base at Norfolk. Here they were greeted by a further three military units sent down from Washington. The French, for their part, had also ordered two military units onboard their fleet to disembark. This gave the French sixteen units against the American fourteen. It was noted however, the Americans were reasonably entrenched. While the French were hoping a gunboat might be able to flank the American positions (to be diced for, D5 or 6)


MOVE ONE The French advanced. MOVE TWO the American heavy guns opened up. The French guns returned fire, as did the gunboat! MOVE THREE the guns kept on roaring, mainly at each other, with the French having a clear advantage, 5 down for only 1 loss. 

MOVE FOUR five American guns opened up on the French roving cannon (tank), and it did the job, two of its three crew were taken down, it would not advance further. But it was the American coastal gun aiming at the Gunboat that made the news, D6 hit on the gun, D6 gun knocked out, D6 took out the three gunners as well!

MOVE FIVE Saw the Americans counter-attack, while the French gunboat scarpered away. The American roving cannon also engaged the French infantry, while it's gun scored a hit on the French roving cannon, which took out the last crew member. MOVE SIX saw both the French battery of medium guns silenced, and the American counterpart. The latter was reduced to half strength by rifle fire from the Foreign Legion skirmishers. Both sides were now close to using bayonets. 

MOVE SEVEN was very bloody, with charges and melees. MOVE EIGHT continued this theme, perhaps even worse. On MOVE NINE the French commander sent word to the American commander that he sought to retire, and a cessation was agreed by both sides. Here are photos showing the concluding move. Under my House Rules its quite common for routs to occur, but both sides fought with peculiar gallantry, and suffered accordingly. The American roving cannon destroyed two units and routed a third. While the artillery largely silenced each other. The American rifle fire was always more effective. With so many units present I will just give the totals. The Americans (113) suffered 29 casualties with 9 more routing. Two military units were amalgamated. The French (145) had 52 casualties with a further 26 routing. Six military units were not re-raised.
DOMINION WAR RESULTS...... The French expedition to the Chesapeake is to be immediately withdrawn. The U.S. President has informed the French President that they may withdraw from New Orleans without hindrance.
NEWS...... A Royal Navy fleet has arrived in the south of Alaska. Terms for neutrality were offered to twelve settlements. Ten of these have accepted, one did not accept, another is still to declare. It is reported that five settlements had to witness gunboat diplomacy, but no casualties. 
NEWS...... The American army has withdrawn from the outskirts of Montreal, to Ottawa, there is a story behind this withdrawal, but no reported actions.

Tuesday 8 November 2022


This is a wonderful gain for my French Army c1900. Thanks are due to George Mills for kindly donating it towards my collection. I do appreciate this. My deficit in French artillery has received a most welcome addition. Went to work painting and varnishing the gunners.

On a similar note. This French mountain gun has been constructed from bits in my spares box, and the two crew are converted plastic Guardsmen. Will construct a third gunner at a later date.
c.1900 French postcard

George also forwarded four home-cast pure lead figures. I must confess, these old figures had little facial detail, and their naval caps required reconstituting. I used milliput to create a new cap edge, and pompom. I'm happy with the results, and with paint and varnish, they have provided a crew for my second French gunboat....... vital!
Old Print

Another batch of figures kindly sent by George were these 1960s plastic British Army figures. Here they are with rifles repaired. I used a lit matchstick to lightly burn any roughing on the plastic due to wear and age, it did the job.
The additional six Heralds have allowed me to complete two 12-figure battalions.
Those fun pencil sharpeners from Ebay have been suitably converted and painted for the wargaming table. The gatling gun has been given Spanish colours.

Those Deetail Saracen-Turks recently acquired from a local shop have been given a revamp, and a coat of varnish to protect them.

I had to purchase a mounted knight to provide an additional blue horse cloak for my Turks, here it is with its new Styria coat of arms.

Finally, George sent me this 60mm Crescent Mexican bandit, made in the 1960s. Despite its size and unlikely usage, I took an instant like to the figure. Pleased to have restored the pistol, and given it new paintwork.

Sunday 6 November 2022


Just got back from the Westpoint event in Devon. Had already decided I was not going to just spend freely. I had gaps in several collections, and they needed to be sorted. I was impressed by the scale of the event, but was surprised to be informed by several friends and contacts that this was a rather quite turnout. As a guide, I would suggest the traders were 60% die-cast, 20% Railway, 15% toy collectables, 5% toy soldiers. But many traders carried very mixed stock, so you had to view them all.

For my part, I picked up three French-made, Aluminium naval figures for £9. A bit high, but I wanted them. Much more favourable were two transport horses and a railway figure for only £5. I also picked up a single Deetail Union soldier for £2, to complete one of my battalions. With an entry fee of £4, my spending came to £20 in total.

Not sure if my photos captured this, it was nice to see a fair number of young folk, and they were as enthusiastic as the older generations. Would like to thank Chris Smith for getting us there and back.
As a footnote to the above, I have a box of 66 unpainted English Civil War figures, 54mm, made by CALL TO ARMS. These figures were a donation from a friend, he hopes they might be swapped for something I can use, the exchange-rate in figures is not an issue. If possible, I would like to swap these for some 54mm Timpo French Foreign Legion, Airfix WW2 Russians, Starlux French Navy, Lone Star Paras in Berets. Footnote...... HAS BEEN SWAPPED