SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which allowed me to complete another five or six military units, serving in several collections.

Friday 19 May 2023


On Thursday I popped into a local shop that sells collectables. Don't ask me why, I decided to take on four new projects. 

Picked up two Crescent-made Saladin armoured cars. Sadly, neither of them were in good condition. Their tow bars were broken and gun springs did not work well. Both required paint stripping. To be honest, I was tempted to restore one for desert service while breaking up the other to utilise the six wheels. On removing the residue of the tow bars, straightening the axles, and improving the gun springs. Have decided to keep them both, with a desert camouflage.  

I also picked up a trashed Dinky jeep, at least the wheels were in good condition. This could be a useful project.

Finally. I picked up a Benbros military motorbike, dating back to the early 1960s. Quite a bit of work to do, but the project could be fun. There is a nice article concerning Benbros toys on the COLLECTORS CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN website.

Have placed the bike next to a Lone Star paratrooper, there is a reason. I have seven of these figures. They were meant to have parachute attachments. I think they will have more service converted into support weapon operators (Hugh of the SMALL SCALE WORLD website has mentioned 7RHA cooperates with the Parachute Regiment). These figures could turn out to be a powerful addition.

Picked up the four items for £10. MGB

ps. One of my Lone Star trucks was always going to need a new paint job. I  decided it would be nice to break away from the original dark green and adopt a RAF blue. Here it is before varnishing.

Paint stripped and primed!


  1. Nice purchase MGB. It'll be great to see these vehicles back in play.

    1. Cheers MJT. Fear I may have bought them just because their condition was 'sad', lol. Anyhow, have started the paint stripping, and its coming off easily, which is something.

  2. Wow, what a difference Michael! There is a wonderful feeling when you find a weary vehicle or soldier and bring them back to life! You have saved these from the scrap heap and I know that you will make them look better than new!

    1. Cheers Brad, its a nice break from just painting figures. And there is a magic in restoring die-cast vehicles. Its also fun to contemplate/research a paint scene which will enhance the model and the collection.

  3. The Saladin saw much service in my childhood wars. My dad gave me one, complete with limber and cannon and some Airfix HO US marines and some Germans. The car was too big for them but I had great fun shooting down the figures with matchsticks from its gun. It also saw service with My Timpo, Lone Star and HK WW2. I still have it and the gun.

    1. I'm envious, Q. Never had the Saladin set, and was encouraged to dump my childhood toys. These die-cast models are really superb, and lend themselves so well to restoration. My new additions are to be painted in desert sand and mid green camouflage, as used by the British in the 1960s.
