SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.

Friday, 2 June 2023


While I suffer the results of visiting my dentist, I used most of yesterday to return to my painting. The project was to complete twelve more Danish redcoats. Today, I varnished the figures, and my three infantry battalions have now been topped up to thirteen figures strong.

In addition to the above, I decided to repaint a surplus mounted officer in my American army. It now commands my Hanoverian regiment.

I must admit, these 'Napoleonic' uniformed figures take a lot longer to paint than WW2 toy soldiers. Unfortunately, health issues mean I must limit the use of painkillers. So working on these projects while also listening to some 1970s episodes of Pertwee's Doctor Who provided a welcome measure of distraction from my recent dental extractions. MGB 


  1. What beautiful pictures Michael! This is a classic toy soldier battle at its finest! The mounted officers are wonderful, especially the Dane on the rearing horse! It is such a dramatic figure and looks just right! I hope that you are feeling better soon. After I had my wisdom teeth removed, I only used ice packs to combat the pain and they worked very well.

    1. Cheers Brad, I now have all the figures I want for the Schleswig conflict, but I need to order another sixty or so metal heads, mainly for the German states. Had my wisdom teeth out in my 20s, I remember eating a lot of ice-cream. Brad, the Brits have typically narrow jaws, so our teeth often end up irregular. This is combined with a very high consumption of sweets, etc. Thats my excuse. I look like the Brit character in Family Guy Cartoons. I believe American Hillbillies and Appalachian folk have the same problem, and they are typically of British stock. Feeling a bit better today, have finally mowed the lawn. Still having great weather.

  2. Thinking about Toy soldiers and some more of your fine shiny conversions I s hopefully a good distraction from dental pain?

    1. Hi Mark, I think working on the figures took my mind off the pain a bit, and at least that day was productive. Just watching videos is ok for some but I get restless if I have nothing to show after the passing of a day. Today, I did some good work on the back garden.

  3. Brilliant looking armies , hope the teeth issue gets better soon

    1. Thanks Tony. The Schleswig project is really working out well, with about 70 figures a side. Still having pain this morning but I hope it will diminish during the day.

  4. Dear Michael, hope you are going okay. This project is glorious which you have accomplished. They all look stunning. I hope you are pleased with them, they certainly impress me and I think many other people. Best wishes - Quinn

    1. Thanks Quinn, I just felt my 54mm wargaming was missing a genuine continental, mid-19th century conflict. And this one (or two conflicts, 1848-52, and 1864) could be enacted on my limited budget.
