SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.

Sunday 22 September 2024


Decided to have a day out and visit the Exeter Toy Fair. My brief train journeys were on time, the other travellers seemed courteous, and the clean and surprisingly open plan interiors (2nd class) made the whole experience very nice. The weather forecast warned of thunder and lightning, but it was a bright, sunny day. Fortunately, I had dressed quite lightly, and prepared a suitable packlunch. The entrance fee to the fair was £10 for 'early birds', and £5 for those arriving after 10.30am. I arrived at 9am.

There were about 100? trade stands, half were devoted to model railways, and fifteen were carrying mainly, or at least some, 54mm toy soldiers. 

Here are a few photos. It got a lot busier after midday.

I visited Graham Pearson's stand, where I sold some unwanted figures. I then purchased a number of figures from him using the proceeds, and a few more on top. We then went on to discuss our shared hobby, viewing photos of our collections........ his was larger! I hope he had a successful day. 
Swapped several unwanted Timpo swoppet and Britains cowboys for a useful Victorian artillery crew. 
Purchased these for £9. and very keen to have them. This now gives me four Britains Confederate gunners. While the farm worker was also on my list of wants.

I went on to visit Kevin Duggan's stand. Here I swapped three Highland collectables for two figures much more useful towards my wargaming. I then topped it up with a purchase. Nice meeting Kevin, and his lady assistant.
Some repair work is needed on the bike, but Im pleased, £5.
Some useful swaps.... and really no need to repaint.

Several 'independent' traders had more mixed table displays, but well worth visiting. I picked up a nice collectable of the Iron Duke for £3. I find Del Prado far too large, not sure who produced this figure but it is a nicer size, and a high quality casting, IMHO. 

Another independent trader gave very fair deals to those purchasing bundles. I spotted twenty Timpo crusaders sold to a collector for £15. I was interested in some Herald archers, to be converted into Saracens. I paid £4 for my bundle.

This independent trader had several rummage boxes, some metal, others plastic. I must admit, I'm very pleased with the metal. I now have eight Johillco howitzers in my collection, my second with the metallic purple carriage (a Ruritanian battery?). The three metal items cost £5 in total, the plastic figures were £3 in total. That knight is very well painted. My plan is to paint a lion on his reverse side, adding a double tail and yellow crown..... the King of Bohemia's heraldry.
I wonder who made the plastic naval figure?

And finally, this independent trader had bags of mixed toy soldiers. One for £3 included some I did not need, so let him keep those. He kindly threw in the small 'police?' figure which we had previously tried to identify. Those Arabs and the legionnaire are old, but the plastic was fine!

Got back home just after 2pm, then prepared a chicken roast dinner.... which was described by a family member as really superb. I might start on some restoration work on the toy soldiers tomorrow (Sunday). My favourite purchases are the knight, Johillco howitzer, Victorian gun crew, Confederate gunners, cycle, the Union artillery officer, the RM officer, the  Iron Duke, the Britains worker...... in other words, everything.
(Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings this day)


Hello Donnie. It was a lovely day out, so really lucky with the weather. On my way back, some other trains were delayed due to weather conditions elsewhere. Yes, the artillery crew are a useful gain. As it happens, I already had some of these figures, now representing Canadian colonial artillery. They were donated by Paul Watson. Still to find out who actually manufactures them. New to me was the gunner ramming a gun, and the other chopping wood blocks. 

Cheers Roger. I wasn't sure whether to go or not, but in the end I made the right choice. It turned out to be an interesting expedition, and with grey daylight and longer nights approaching here in the UK, it has furnished some nice memories and mementos. (Concerning Train hobbies, I sort of expected the usual Hornby scale to dominate, but much of it was actually larger scales, interesting.)

Cheers Brad. I spent some time on Sunday viewing the figures again, I'm really pleased with the bundle.  Will start work integrating/basing the figures on Monday. I can now complete a unit of 12 Saracen archers..... about time. By the way, fought an Italian Independence wargame on Friday. Delayed posting because of the Saturday trip.

Hi MJT. Yes, I had a great day out. I have just started on the figures, repairing with Milliput, constructing some artillery equipment, and some paintwork. Daft really, I now have some Britains Confederate artillery crew, but no plans to fight the ACW...... I just like the grey uniform with red kepi. The ACW infantry are going to be converted into 1848-66 Italians, just a few 4 figure companies.

Thanks for the info, Brian. Will draft the Charbens RN figure into my landing party. Sort of similar to the Lone Star figures I have. Same here, I repaired and painted two Johillco howitzers with shields for my French, and another two without shields joined my US army. A seriously damaged one is now serving with my Hessians 1848. But have left three perfect examples just as they are (one red, two with metallic purple carriages). Yet others don't seem to value them..... their loss, my gain.


  1. Looks like it was a great day out and some great figures to add to your collection. Really like the Victorian artillery figures, they are very nice indeed.

  2. Exhibitions and sales of both model trains and toy soldier or any other military toys, we can only dream of here up north (!) At the best we have a few model railway exhibitions each year. Luckily, as I'm into that hobby as well. I saw several interesting items on your photos.

    Great findings Michael and good value for money.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. That looks like a great show Michael! Congratulations on your acquisitions, I'm sure that they will all add a great deal to your games! Artillery crews are not that easy to find, you had a very fortunate and productive day!

  4. Looks like you had a great time MGB!

  5. Looks like a lot of fun, and a great haul too (I love those old Johilco howitzers) the plastic sailor was made by Charbens.
