SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.
Additional Thanks. To Tim of the MegablitzandMore blog for supplying some interesting figures towards my WW2 Soviet Army, and to Mark of ManOfTin Blog for a horde of Airfix WW2 figures.

Thursday, 18 March 2021


Just had a spot of luck on Ebay. Was the only bidder on five artillery pieces. Most if not all are damaged but I still think its a good buy. For my WW2 German army I was keen to get a PAK38, well I may be able to restore two. There was also two BATs, these were produced by W. Britains, they represent anti-tank guns that entered service in the 1950s. Having lost their front shields they automatically become MOBATs, a lighter model. Most BAT guns became redundant in the 1980s with the arrival of hand-held rocket propelled missiles. Not sure how I will use these but they could end up with my imaginary Zubrowka army. Lastly, an old Britains Naval gun missing much of its carriage. Total cost £13.60 including their delivery.



  1. That's a great score! When I acquired my PAK-38 I think I paid about that just for shipping!

    1. Thanks John, I think there were some conditions in my favour, the auction ended mid week at 7am! And it was mis-spelt as di-cast. I was on a strict budget of no more than £14 delivered for a good PAK38 (I blame you for my inclination to get such lol). So everything went my way, but it will need paint stripping, and the other guns are a bonus.

  2. Good buy there ! , I think how the items are worded/listed sometimes plays a part in their price .

    1. I think so too Tony. Luck was on my side, and as funds are somewhat tight this auction has sorted the WW2 German artillery issue.

  3. My BAT was my first Britain's gun. I think the only reason I have for occasionally gaming with some old 50's & 60's plastic figures is so I can get it out.

    1. To be honest Ross, I'm longing to use some of the recently completed figures in a game. Those BATs crop up in large numbers but their period of service is somewhat restrictive. It was a strange model for Britains to produce, in my opinion. Still, I like the look of the guns without the shield so fairly confident they will be used!

  4. Excellent buy Michael! I'm sure that you will turn them into showpieces! I've always loved the Britains Naval gun! It's so massive and accurate! Mine is from 1973 and the packaging depicts the British and Boers firing away at each other, very cool!

    1. Brad, I have got a fairly good condition Naval Gun, the other was in such a bad way I knew its conversion to a Garrison gun would be far more useful for gaming. I had an email from Paul, who sponsors many of the collections on this page, he has posted a box which includes some surplus artillery pieces, which will be interesting. I have on file a photo of a four wheeled WW1 waggon which uses the large wheels, so I might consider dismantling this auction acquisition too. (That you mention having the box indicates you are a collector!)

  5. Good haul. I picked up a similar range of battered guns for £10. Some still working.

    1. Bargains are out there Mark, but the PAK38s appear to be quite sort after. Some refuse to sell unless they get a high price. If I can construct the legs on one of the models, should have two, and thats arguably more than I need.

  6. Love the fact you're converting the Morestone wagons - they look great with 54mm figures and horses - I've about a dozen which swell out the supply columns wonderfully :)_

    1. Yes Paul, they are very useful, and did not cost too much. Mine were quite damaged so I was free to experiment. Thanks to your good self, I now have drivers and personnel to properly man them.
