SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.
Additional Thanks. To Tim of the MegablitzandMore blog for supplying some interesting figures towards my WW2 Soviet Army, and to Mark of ManOfTin Blog for a horde of Airfix WW2 figures.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

1st and 2nd West Indies Regiments c.1890

Decided to have a painting-run to complete twenty-two W. Britains West Indian soldiers, kindly supplied by Paul Watson. Seven of these are solid lead replicas, identified by their brighter scarlet waistcoats. The latter arrived in almost new condition so it was an easy job to add some painted detail and cover over a few chips. The original Britains had lost most of their paint so had to be stripped clean. Fortunately, only one had a damaged rifle, and I'm converting this fellow into a bugler. Next job is to complete their basing and furnish some suitable officers, then they will be formed into two battalions of twelve with their own mounted brigade commander.


Original condition


  1. Absolutely brilliant - love the bugler. Totally superb - can't wait to see these complete :) Certainly come out better than I would have managed :D

    1. Cheers Paul, have seen your own work so may choose to differ. Well, I guess this is as close as we get to British Empire Zouaves, and they do look exotic.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Alan, the conveyor belt was running at full power to complete so many lol. But I do get a morale boost looking at the NOW and THEN photos. Ready for another project now.

  3. Excellent job Michael! Even better than I'd imagined! I look forward to seeing them with their officers.

    1. Cheers Brad, pleased I've crossed that hurdle, looking forward to seeing them in action now the varnish is dry.

  4. Very smart indeed, I keep thinking of branching out into the Colonials .

    1. I know that feeling, it was looking at others who were collecting French and Imperial that pushed me into raising Spanish, then Paul initiated my French collection. I started with Spanish as I had a fair number of marching figures and the Spanish shoulder arms on the left.

  5. Ahh the closest the Brits got to Zouaves. I got as far as buying a zouave mould and converting and painting a homecast drummer then the whole lot suddenly enlisted with a fictional Emir.

    Anyway, your regiment looks great!

    1. Thank you Ross, I made that very same comment to Paul. Apparently it was a reaction to working with the French during the Crimean War. I also contemplated a fictional costume for some of the figures but decided to stick to the original plan, nothing stopping me still using them in 'odd' scenarios.
