SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which allowed me to complete another five or six military units, serving in several collections.

Monday 24 January 2022



A substantial US Naval force based in the Chesapeake sought to break the blockade imposed by the fleets of the British and French empires. Although no formal alliance exists, it is likely that the high commands of the two blockading powers had secretly arranged some kind of plan of action for such an event. Although outnumbered in guns, the American navy successfully broke through the Royal Navy line. But being forced to then take on the French, were obliged to break off the engagement and return to the safety of the Chesapeake. Losses were as follows. US Navy, one ship lost, six needing emergency repairs. Royal Navy, one ship lost, seven needing emergency repairs in Bermuda. French Navy, three ships lost, one needing urgent repairs, now heading for Spanish-held Cuba. Result, the American Government has claimed this is a major victory. However, the blockade continues. In Britain, the Admiralty has launched an inquiry into the tactics employed. (Simple Dice Game, all three navies being of equal quality.)


The arrival of Empire volunteers from Australia, New Zealand, and garrisons in the far east allowed the British Columbia government to take the offensive. At three locations in the State of Washington, and one more in Oregon, Empire troops made incursions, without meeting any opposition. Seattle authorities requested military assistance from Portland and California. The former was concerned with the arrival of Empire troops at the mouth of the Columbia river and was unwilling to assist. San Francisco called for a general mobilisation, and the response was impressive (28 units in Northern California), some of those embodied were ordered to make preparations to travel north by rail.

Seattle now came under siege. To be honest, this game is a product of the campaign maps, I was hoping the Americans would dice to withdraw! The garrison only mustered four military units (D4), and fifteen armed volunteers (D5 x3). They were determined to fight (D6). The Empire forces comprised two military units approaching from the NE, two military units from the West, and one naval battalion operating at sea with several Royal Navy vessels. Non combatants in the city were granted leave to depart (D6).

Empire forces to the Northeast and those approaching from the West.

The Empire forces made no attempt to enter the city, preferring to rely on heavy artillery at long range. (Admiral Watson having recently arrived with two batteries of 4.7 naval guns.) By MOVE FIVE the naval warships had hit five buildings, with two catching fire. The land-based artillery directed their fire at infantry and road positions. When the American howitzers returned fire, one battery redirected its guns at the howitzers, the compact nature of their target causing high casualties. On MOVE SIX the American commander requested leave to vacate the city (D2). The Canadian commander declared the garrison position was quite hopeless and they should surrender (D2). The American commander now requested permission for the NG and armed civilians to be granted leave to depart, this too was declined (D1). Accordingly, the garrison commander informed the Empire commander that they would continue to hold their position (D4). On MOVE SEVEN there was a renewal of artillery fire. Another warehouse caught fire, and two more American casualties. The US commander agreed to unconditional surrender (D1). 
American Command 3
US Infantry               12
NG Battalion             12  -1
NG Battalion             12  -4  MOVE SEVEN -1
US Howitzers             9   -7  MOVE SEVEN -1
Armed civilians         15
Hospital Dept.           12

Empire Commanders 2
Royal Marines           12
RN Battery                 12 -2, one gun destroyed
RA Battery                 10
Canadian Highlanders 12
Naval Forces (off table) 4 gunners, 12 Royal Marines
(Footnote, the harsh terms imposed on the American garrison did not go down well with Empire Command (D1), the entire American garrison was later granted parole. The general view is, this city being attacked from three sides, and out-gunned, should have been evacuated. Unknown to the garrison, five military units using train travel were in nearby Tacoma on MOVE SEVEN, entering the table on MOVE EIGHT. 


The United States Government has called for all states to assist in the removal of foreign forces from their country, and the successful conclusion of the Expedition to Canada. Non-maritime states are instructed to mobilise their manpower for service outside their home states. 

FRENCH IN LOUISIANA More French troops have arrived in Louisiana. However, many have not disembarked, and this has led some to conclude they may still be deployed elsewhere (18 units).

ONTARIO Unofficially, senior commanders on both sides are seeking to maintain the status quo, neither side willing to jeopardise their positions or manpower.

TEXAS The State government has called for a general mobilisation to protect the state capital and coastline.

FLORIDA The Spanish Governor of Cuba has launched his own expedition to Florida. Several towns have been occupied in the south of the state, and with no opposing forces operating in the area, he has claimed much of southern Florida is now under his control.

CALIFORNIA Threats of coastal raids have discouraged the State Governor from sending as many military units north as originally planned, but the capture of Seattle has seen five units being despatched to the northwest.


  1. Fantastic looking game MGB! All those big guns are great and I do like the tractor.

    1. Hi MJT, like any child, the arrive of new toy guns, kindly supplied by Paul, necessitated their immediate use in the campaign, and Seattle was the most likely target, surrounded on three sides. I have a further two guns, but both need soldering and one of them was originally grey-blue, which I will want to restore. Yes, that tractor was a very lucky purchase, they are normally quite rare this side of the Atlantic, and perfect for the Dominion campaign.

    2. They do look great, and the defended town looks splendid too though I'm not sure that I'd want to be one of the defenders

    3. MJT, because of their difficult position, even a D3 scenario would have seen some of the American garrison pulling out in good time, but a D6 demanded they should stay. Those 4 or 5 units combined with reinforcements from California would have likely retaken Seattle a little later. There is only eight Empire units in the entire north-west region, and two of these must protect the city of Vancouver. But the dice said otherwise.

  2. The town seemed to be an easy target for the gunners to hone in on Michael! But the dice rule and that is the way it goes! Very interesting battle, I look forward to see how the campaign progresses!

    1. Hello Brad, I don't think you will be surprised by this, can already confirm the original five units from California have been joined by another seven in Washington state. It was a tactical mistake for the British Columbia government to cross the border! Strangely, movement elsewhere is largely stagnant, the Empire troops haven't the numbers to risk a major battle, the US has the numbers but can't risk moving them for fear of surprise naval landings elsewhere. Even raids are being curtailed by both sides for fear it develops into something larger. I can see how the War of 1812-15 saw a return to their original borders, with no gains.

  3. Another interesting update with just the right look in the pictures.

    1. Cheers Ross, I'm really enjoying both the games and the overall campaign. Having some knowledge of the historical situation, and previous conflicts, is important, to ensure the possible responses are fair and feasible. However, new additions to my collection will still be granted an early participation, and why not?
