SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which allowed me to complete another five or six military units, serving in several collections.

Sunday 27 August 2023


My Dominion War campaign has reached a genuine stalemate. The Americans have captured Ottawa and some border areas in Ontario, but are unable to proceed further. The Empire has secured the State of Maine coastline and Alaskan coast, but is unable to risk any attempts to liberate occupied Canada. 

While the Empire has maintained a successful blockade of American shipping, the American navy is growing, and the Royal Navy is not confident of maintaining their blockade for ever. If an American fleet escaped the blockade, they could seriously undermine the entire empire.

The Spanish have been successful in taking Florida, and appear to be satisfied. France has not done well out of the war but remains a formidable power in the Gulf of Mexico. They have also established a foothold in Texas. Their original plan to control Louisiana has failed.

MILITARY UNITS (Can be converted into infantry, cavalry, or artillery) It does not show armed locals.

NB. American manpower is restricted due to a need to protect its coastline population centres.

BATTLES (With points awarded)

 NB. Florida did not have a large population pre-1900, and Spanish controlled Cuba was close by.

OCCUPIED TERRITORIES (With defensive lines and naval blockades)

Footnote. Feel free to voice possible campaign moves, no guarantee I will adopt them but it might change the cause of the campaign, breaking the current stalemate.

In my campaign to clear the spares box I was able to muster six damaged lead Highlanders. As I already have seven Highland battalions in my British army these figures were rather surplus to my needs. Well, not quite, what could be more novel than a Highland unit raised in the United States.

The 79th New York Regiment was organised in October 1858. It served during the American Civil War, and was eventually disbanded in January 1876. For much of their existence Highlander dress was not really fulfilled, but early on in the civil war one or two companies did complete their appearance. Although the officers were often of Scots ancestry, the rank and file were more all embracing in their background. 

Here are a group of American re-enactors.

Some conversion work was necessary on the lead castings, didn't want them shouldering arms on the left side (British and Germans), the Americans and French mainly shoulder on their right. Decided to use some spare trail-arms, and openhanded left-arms. Milliput was used to construct the epaulettes. I was able to cast some of my own heads and swords.


  1. Thanks for the campaign update Michael! Your Dominion War makes for a very interesting game with many possibilities! Your new unit will certainly add to the color and vibrancy of your table! New York also supplied the "Garibaldi Guard" during the ACW with men dressed in Bersaglieri uniforms! I look forward to your next battle in this campaign!

    1. Cheers Brad. I'm actually at a loss, I honestly don't know what to 'dare' in any campaign battle. A defeat for either the United States or the British Empire would open the door to the additional loss of territory. For example, if the US attacked Toronto (again) and lost, Detroit would come under threat. If the Empire attacked US controlled Ottawa (again) and lost, Montreal would come under threat. The only real situation is now naval. If an American fleet broke out of the Chesapeake, or New York, the Empire would have to negotiate for peace, as that fleet could run amok, attacking distant colonies, etc. Surprisingly, only Spain has really succeeded in its war objectives, but they would not last if the French withdrew from the war. I think a naval action is looking quite likely!

  2. Like the converted Highlanders and awaiting the next battle with interest.

    1. Cheers Tony. I couldn't just dump the figures, they had the potential to be interesting. I think the naval action is looking very likely!
