SPECIAL THANKS. I would like to thank Paul Watson for his sponsorship of several lead figure collections on this blog. Having decided to clear his spare/surplus figures, he generously forwarded them on with no other requirement than they deserved to be restored. I would also like to mention George S. Mills, who kindly furnished a quantity of plastic figures which greatly enhanced several collections.

Wednesday 26 June 2024


Tim Gow runs a blog called Megablitz (see links) which I regularly visit for inspiration. This gentleman recently contacted me to find out if I was still seeking more Soviet WW2 figures. Well, I had plans to raise a few small semi-independent units, rather than splitting my larger units, so I said yes. Blow me, the box duly arrived on Wednesday, and this is what it contained.

A large number of AIRFIX figures
Some very useful HING FAT figures for my Guards battalion
Some MARX /BMC figures needing restoration work (looking forward to this!)
Chatting with Tim, he explained..... "The surplus painted HF figures are due to having revisited my Soviet (and North Korean) units after nailing down my WW2 game rules. In my world a company is 6 figures, support platoons usually 2 figs - the guys in your box are the 'offcuts'.  The unpainted figures are just stuff I don't anticipate using - but worry not, I still have a reserve bag with a battalion's worth of Soviets in stock!"

Now time spent carefully contemplating how best to use these welcome figures is always worthwhile, as opposed to my previous tendency to quickly paint up, and then regret my choice. Initial plans include augmenting my understrength Soviet Guards unit, but I also like the idea of some more NKVD troops, Border Guards, or some Marines? 
My thanks to Tim for this very kind contribution to my Soviet WW2 Horde...... it needs to look like a horde to be authentically Soviet.

Have spent some time working on my artillery collection. The two bronze pencil-sharpener pieces mentioned in my last post have been properly altered, removing the metal rubbish over and under the cannon barrels. And their carriages have been given a grey-green paint job. I'm rather pleased with the result, and will use them with both my Ruritanian (1952 Movie) collection, and my Danish 1848 army.
From Prisoner of Zenda, 1952 movie
These are 1864 Danish cannon with rifled steel barrels
The original bronze sharpeners.

Thanks to Tim's generosity the Soviet WW2 collection has gained a vital augmentation. My pitiful 75th Guards Division (Battalion) of eight figures has increased to two battalions of twelve. The second battalion includes a number of Marx toy soldiers, so I'm thinking a flag recognising such would be fun, or at least one sporting the other fellow with the same name. 

Increased 75th Guards Rifle Division
Will probably redesignate this as the 70th Guards Rifle Division, which occasionally operated with the 75th. The Marx figures are very animated, and had suffered accordingly. Luckily, my 1/35 Soviet spares looked fine, and everything was sorted out. Steel rods were used to repair broken ankles.
Several of my ordinary rifle divisions have also gained recruits. The 150th Division is now sixteen strong.
Two companies of Soviet Marines (late war) have also been attached to my river gunboats.
And I have also gained a light mortar.
PS. Presently fighting a WW2 war-game, a scene from MOVE EIGHT..... the roads are clogged up!


Thanks MJT. I was keeping an eye out for a few cheap Soviet figures, did not expect Tim's box to suddenly appear, it has allowed me to complete the collection.  I am pleased with the early 19th century cannon. I think they look the part!

Thanks Quinn. I'm not really happy using any shielded-guns for my 19th century games, and to use them for the first half of that century is ridiculous!  These two cannon are a welcome addition.

Thank you, Donnie. I don't mind admitting it was Paul Watson donating his surplus/unpainted lead figures which allowed me to raise a traditional lead soldier collection. Then George Mills, and now Tim, have helped with several of my plastic armies. I should also mention Alan Gruber forwarded some old Timpo Arabs. Yes, I agree, the sharpener-cannon has proved to be a worthwhile project. 

Tim, they certainly did hit the spot, clearing several ideas floating in my head for the Soviet collection. I particularly wanted a few marine companies, and the Guards had to be increased. There is enough left over to still raise another Rifle Division, but I am thinking of giving them the earlier white-summer shirts, just for some distinction. (And John's generosity has helped us both!)

Hi Tony. Looking through my posts, I paid £3.33 (including postage) for each of the brass cannon. The guns did require some work but fit nicely with traditional toy soldiers, I think that is good value! 

Cheers Brad. I used most of my hobby time last week to clear about thirty of the figures received from Tim. Although the repair work took some time, the paintwork was actually quite quick and simple. I feel the same about flags with toy soldiers, it adds so much to any photo! Will be moving on to the WW2 game with my next post. 

Thursday 13 June 2024

Working on the Naval Collection (Ships, Cannon, Navy Crew)


Some time back I started building a fleet of toy ships. My plan being to reproduce the style of toys manufactured during 1870 to 1910. These were originally built in tinplate, while mine would utilise plasticard, or a combination of wood and stiff card.

One of my earlier ships was a reproduction of an American toy. While my efforts captured something of the original, it was not one of by best, and the colour scheme of white trimmed with red didn't help any. Being keen to include a paddle steamer in my collection, decided to reconstitute and repaint my earlier model. I am a lot happier with this, it has something of the early toy look, and also the paddle steamers actually used in the Schleswig War of 1848, and other mid-19th century conflicts.


 Just arrived are three artillery pieces for £10, including delivery. I knew two were large models.... and they are very large...... but I like them. The Penncraft (a Pennsylvania toy company) naval gun is in perfect condition, and made of brass and iron. It will serve as a powerful garrison or siege cannon. The Spanish-made piece is a whopper, made of brass and wood. I suspect it might still end up in some wargames but more likely guard my DVD collection.... after it has been given a good clean. 

The third is one of those pencil sharpener cannon made out of bronze. I already have one of these and recently found a method to remove the metal rubbish attached to the top of the barrel. The carriage and barrel is actually quite good for mid-19th century wargames, so these can now form a battery.

Penncraft Cannon in service!
64pdr Cannon in real service.

Now I must admit to having over-paid for the following, but I've been keen for some time to acquire a few W. Britains Napoleonic Royal Navy gunners. Considering they are plastic and often found in poor condition, and with moderate paintwork, I've still had to drop out bidding on some previous auctions. However, I picked up the following for a few pence under £20. But it does furnish three gunners, and some of the ACW figures will be useful as German and Danish mounted officers in the Schleswig collection. (Yes, I will add some paint to the naval gunners, a white plastic sword scabbard is unacceptable on parade.)
PS. I'm still interested in acquiring another three W. Britains naval gunners, with a generous swap or recompense.
PPS. Presently fighting a WW2 war-game, lots of photos to follow soon.


Hi MJT. Every time I looked at the original scratch built ship, I just wasn't happy with it. But the reconstituted paddle steamer is a fun toy to utilise in a game. I also noted how both the Americans and European navies experimented with dark grey paint. And there is a reference to the Danish having black paddles on one of their ships. I do think the three cannon were a bargain, and made a point of saluting the eBay seller for the excellent service, all round. I am going to use the RN figures as Danish Navy c.1848.

Thank you, Brad. Three separate items, all with a nautical connection, thought I better make a post of it. I am very pleased with the toy paddle steamer, the original came close to being sent to the breaking yard. I have seen this larger Penncraft gun selling for a lot more than £10. No plans to raise a large naval crew for the 1840s, just a few more will do the job.

Thanks Donnie. The cannon sort of compensated for what I spent on the Naval gunners. While I am very pleased with all three cannon, the Spanish-made does look more appropriate for pre1815 wargaming, if I am honest. Still, it is a lovely collectable, and I do have a small collection of late-19th century Spanish, which have become more of a 'garrison' collection anyhow. So that cannon will get used!

Cheers Quinn. Pleased to report that my two bronze pencil-sharpener cannon have been broken down and then restored, without the rubbish stuff. They now have grey-green carriages that work perfectly for Ruritania (1952 movie), and Danish c1948. As for the two other guns, with naval carriages, I am so pleased I picked them up!

Friday 7 June 2024


Picked up another eight Timpo French Napoleonic Guardsmen from the collectables shop for £5. Removing the plume, and using Milliput to construct trousers, have completed a full battalion of twelve Saxony Guards c.1848. This German state was involved in the First Schleswig-Holstein War of 1848-50, so I thought it would be interesting to furnish the Guards battalion in their ceremonial uniform. But it is very unlikely the uniform ever saw service in Denmark as it is rather similar to the colours used by the Danish army.

With the arrival of some tin helmets from Irregular Miniatures, have been able to complete the restoration of these eight lead WW1 Highlanders. 
Three spare figures have been added to my WW2 British commander's jeep. I think it makes a nice gaming piece.
Just clearing some broken figures in my spares box, but have gained a vital 4man crew for my WW2 torpedo boat. These US naval figures are wearing blue deck jackets.
Picked up this rather nice die-cast reproduction of a Ford F100 Truck (1956). The scale is 1/36, and this Chinese-made model is sold by various 'car collecting' companies. Now mine has lost its rear hatch, and wing mirrors, so needs a trip to a local garage. Picked it up in a second-hand shop for £1. Have seen the same models being sold for much more. 

PS. Current View of the Gaming Table
Careful with the furniture, please.
❊18th century English meaning..... cheap, shoddy, imitation, counterfeit. And having no connection with a film made in 1969.

Hi MJT. I have a small army of British WW1 now, some of which are the same lead castings I can remember finding in my Grandmother's garden, formally in service with my late father. I really have no plans to fight WW1 wargames, but still pleased to have the collection. Yes, the dresser has already made its debut, lol. Everything is now ready for the game, as and when I'm in the mood.

Thank you Donnie. I only post once a week, and only if there is something worth recording. I am just this moment throwing the preliminary dice for the Brummagem war-game, and the story is flowing very well........ the scenario is so vital to keeping my attention, and the dice is adding spice to the game!

Thanks Brad. I do seem to be having a good run at clearing projects, but it's time to increase the gaming! I don't feel my 'gunboats' are complete unless there is an official crew to go with them, and my rather basic rules need 3-6 figures. The refugee participation is very much linked to the film which inspired this Wargame, and it has captured something of it...... slightly.

Hi Quinn, I am just recording some notes on the early moves at Brummagem. A member of my family is commanding the Germans, he is normally very lucky with the gaming dice. This game is combining something of the stress and various issues a commander has to face, which is often overlooked in simple point-based wipe-out wargames. 

Saturday 1 June 2024

WARGAME (1848) Danish Army Engages Schleswig Patriots

The year is 1848 and a brigade of Danish Regulars has been despatched to secure a fortified position held by a large number of German-speaking volunteers.
The Schleswig army comprised three battalions of volunteers, each thirteen strong. There was also two gun crews of three, able and familiar with using cannon. The only Regulars troops was a company of Schleswig Jaeger (4), formally loyal to the Danish Crown. A local aristocrat commanded the whole.

The Danish brigade comprised three battalions of thirteen, a sharpshooter battalion of eight, and two artillery crews (6). A General Officer commanded.

MOVE ONE The Danish brigade advanced. MOVE TWO The Danish brigade continued. MOVE THREE The advance continued and a Schleswig gun was in range and able to hit a Danish gun crew. MOVE FOUR A second hit on the Danish gun crew routs the last survivor, and a neighbouring battalion delayed its further advance. But the Danes also had some success. They missed an artillery target but hit a neighbouring Schleswig volunteer battalion, it panicked, and it spread to the original artillery target too!

MOVE FIVE Some small arms casualties. The Schleswig commander failed to rally his routing volunteers, it was not looking good for him. MOVE SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT The Danes advanced, their single gun constantly hitting a house which was now fortified. MOVE NINE The jaeger and sharpshooters exchanged shots, despite the windmill providing saving throws they were still outnumbered. MOVE TEN The Danish redcoats suffered casualties due to the lack of cover. But the Schleswig jaeger were knocked down to half strength and routed, the Danes took the windmill. 

MOVE ELEVEN Two battalions of Danish infantry charged the enemy, and routed them.

MOVE TWELVE Only a Schleswig gun crew still stood firm, and fired their gun until silenced by small arms fire from three battalions.

A very enjoyable game, and I only used my smaller gaming table. Strange how 12 moves seems to conclude practically all my games. I should mention, the Schleswig volunteers were nearly all C-CLASS and required a morale test whenever they suffered a casualty, although 'defending a declared position' certainly helped their morale. The Danish regulars were all B-CLASS. 
Danish fourteen, one routing. Germans thirteen, thirty-seven routing.

Hessian Jaeger 1848, converted lead figures.


Thank you, Donnie. I was somewhat surprised how well the one-table worked, having usually used two. I think many early game moves could be undertaken off the gaming table, so saving space. The Schleswig collection is practically complete, although the German regulars are a little understrength, hope to field them in a game very soon...... a mixture of Hanoverians, Hessians, Mecklenburgers, and Saxon states.

Thanks Brad. For my part, I've realised it is so much easier to game on my original one-table, the two-table system was a reaction to having a larger collection but very time-consuming to set up, and pack away. And also difficult to actually move some of the units. With this system, expect more games, having largely completed the projects floating in my head, and spares boxes. As a student of history, I thought this game respected military situations, and likely results, which is important to my gaming.

Hello Tony. I very much enjoyed playing this game, and more will shortly follow. May I just mention, I am unable to comment on some blogs due to my new computer security and Google, but found your post on the napoleonic ancestor very interesting! 

Hi Quinn. I stopped using enamels and white spirit many years ago, too slow to dry, and too smelly. I only use matt acrylic paints. Concerning old lead figures, the enamel paintwork is often damaged. If 65% remains I lightly sand the chipped area, prime and paint match with acrylic, then varnish the area. But most cheap secondhand figures are well under 50%, and often missing parts, so I completely paint strip, and start again using a good primer and acrylics. Traditional painting methods are (in my opinion) inferior, and chip too easily. My figures are protected under yacht varnish. I can drop my figures on concrete and they will never chip. Repainting straight over old enamels can be risky, thick layers of paint can clog the detail, old chips can leave a cratering on the figure. But collectors do what they want, I want mine to recognise the casting detail, and look clean and smart on my gaming table. Now having a museum collection is a very different matter, it might then be best to seek out those in the finest condition, and just leave them as they are..... I have a large collection of military books, coins, and militaria dating back to  the 1760s, I do nothing with them but keep the dust from settling.

Thanks MJT. I very much enjoyed this fast moving brigade level action. While I confess to having just picked up another eight more figures, to convert into Saxony Foot Guards, I'm keen to really increase my tally of games!