Wednesday, 26 January 2022
Monday, 24 January 2022
A substantial US Naval force based in the Chesapeake sought to break the blockade imposed by the fleets of the British and French empires. Although no formal alliance exists, it is likely that the high commands of the two blockading powers had secretly arranged some kind of plan of action for such an event. Although outnumbered in guns, the American navy successfully broke through the Royal Navy line. But being forced to then take on the French, were obliged to break off the engagement and return to the safety of the Chesapeake. Losses were as follows. US Navy, one ship lost, six needing emergency repairs. Royal Navy, one ship lost, seven needing emergency repairs in Bermuda. French Navy, three ships lost, one needing urgent repairs, now heading for Spanish-held Cuba. Result, the American Government has claimed this is a major victory. However, the blockade continues. In Britain, the Admiralty has launched an inquiry into the tactics employed. (Simple Dice Game, all three navies being of equal quality.)
The arrival of Empire volunteers from Australia, New Zealand, and garrisons in the far east allowed the British Columbia government to take the offensive. At three locations in the State of Washington, and one more in Oregon, Empire troops made incursions, without meeting any opposition. Seattle authorities requested military assistance from Portland and California. The former was concerned with the arrival of Empire troops at the mouth of the Columbia river and was unwilling to assist. San Francisco called for a general mobilisation, and the response was impressive (28 units in Northern California), some of those embodied were ordered to make preparations to travel north by rail.
Seattle now came under siege. To be honest, this game is a product of the campaign maps, I was hoping the Americans would dice to withdraw! The garrison only mustered four military units (D4), and fifteen armed volunteers (D5 x3). They were determined to fight (D6). The Empire forces comprised two military units approaching from the NE, two military units from the West, and one naval battalion operating at sea with several Royal Navy vessels. Non combatants in the city were granted leave to depart (D6).
Empire forces to the Northeast and those approaching from the West.
The United States Government has called for all states to assist in the removal of foreign forces from their country, and the successful conclusion of the Expedition to Canada. Non-maritime states are instructed to mobilise their manpower for service outside their home states.
FRENCH IN LOUISIANA More French troops have arrived in Louisiana. However, many have not disembarked, and this has led some to conclude they may still be deployed elsewhere (18 units).
ONTARIO Unofficially, senior commanders on both sides are seeking to maintain the status quo, neither side willing to jeopardise their positions or manpower.
TEXAS The State government has called for a general mobilisation to protect the state capital and coastline.
FLORIDA The Spanish Governor of Cuba has launched his own expedition to Florida. Several towns have been occupied in the south of the state, and with no opposing forces operating in the area, he has claimed much of southern Florida is now under his control.
Sunday, 23 January 2022
Saturday, 15 January 2022
Paul Watson was in town again, sorting out the affairs of a late friend, of thirty-five years. And his trip included another box of lead castings needing to be cleared. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to write, Paul flew in?
The first is a 54mm Sopwith Pup, so popular during WW1. For me this does have some side-interests. My grandfather joined the Royal Naval Air Service, and ended up taking photographs of the German trenches in France..... and survived. The RNAS operated a wide range of aircraft during their brief period of service, and it has been suggested they received new designed aircraft before the Royal Flying Corps. At the end of WW1 both organisations were amalgamated into the newly formed Royal Air Force.
PS. See George Mills comment on the figures and their uniforms, some superb photos of re-enactors to follow on completion of the figures.
Wednesday, 12 January 2022
French Zouaves (metal 54mm)
Among the metal soldiers recently sent by Paul Watson were four zouaves in turbans. Further research shows they aren't American civil war figures but actual French colonial troops, wearing the uniform of the 1870s. I think they are rather nice castings, and would welcome any information on who actually manufactured them.
Saturday, 8 January 2022
Some useful staff officers cleaned up, primed. and some conversion work. Kindly supplied by Paul Watson, these pewter figures were made in Hong Kong during the 1980s. Here are some completed models.
Monday, 3 January 2022
DOMINION WAR MAPS (and Railway models)
With the start of a new year I thought it appropriate to upload my maps for the Dominion War fictitious campaign. They really do show the current situation better than any other method.
MAP ONE, North America. Captured territories. Green for parts of Canada taken by the United States. Red for parts of Maine taken by the British Empire. Blue for areas now controlled by the Franco-Spanish Alliance. Coloured lines at sea indicate where naval blockades are being enforced.
MAP TWO, Ontario. This is a close up showing those parts of Ontario now occupied by the United States (Yellow). Although the loss of Ottawa is of political importance some have suggested Fort William is a greater loss as it has severed the Grand Pacific Railway (Port Arthur).
MAP FOUR, Battles. This shows battles and skirmishes that have been fought. The colours indicate who was the victor. The number corresponds to points awarded, based on the size of the action and also its strategic importance.